WHEREVER there are street machiners in the world, you’ll find them racing their cars, no matter what the weather or geography throws at them.
We’ve seen racing on salt, in the dirt and through mud and now on ice! The Merrill Ice Draggers hail from Wisconsin in the northern reaches of the USA. When winter comes, the Wisconsin River freezes over and the Draggers have themselves a race track.
Some of the racers run with a whole mess of drywall screws stuck in their tyres for traction, others just race on rubber. They’re fast too, with the track record set at 5.592-seconds to cover the eighth-mile from a standing start – that is hell-quick on a regular drag strip, let alone on ice!
The cars range from purpose-built dragsters and altereds to street-driven muscle cars (some of the desirable type that would make most Aussies green with envy) and hot rods. To see how they do it, grab the August issue of Street Machine.