Yeah the Girls! – Meet the ladies out to skid on Good Fryday – video

Burnouts are not just for the boys


DEBBIE Gray has known for years what many ladies are now just discovering – burnouts are not just for the boys.

Debbie is the sport’s preeminent female pioneer. Way back in 2001, she proved there was just as much lead in her foot as any male competitor on her way to winning the Street Machine Summernats 14 Burnout Championship.

Since then more females have been inspired to get out on the pad (the latest big name being Justine Mott, who competed in the most recent Burnout Masters at Summernats 31), but it’s fair to say the take-up rate has been slow. Which is why Sydney Dragway should be commended for taking the initiative and introducing a ladies-only group during its Good Fryday event, which not only served to encourage more females to participate, but also provided them with their own special showcase that the spectators seemed to really enjoy. Debbie Gray would’ve been proud.

Street Machine spoke to the seven ladies in the group to get their thoughts on skid lyfe in the video Yeah The Girls!

daihatsu ferozaThe winner was decided by audience response, with Britt Kilby (HAMMERTIME LS-powered Daihatsu Feroza) getting the nod with Amy Aldridge (ST80TYM Holden WH Statesman) runner-up.
