Along with Turbo Taxi, a fan favourite in the Carnage stable has been our L67-swapped VN Berlina, affectionately dubbed Supermang.
Last time we saw Supermang, Scotty was blowing the rear bumper off the thing at Lardner Park Motorfest in the burnout competition. Since then, the car has been put on ice while Scotty focused on both our 1UZ-powered Lexcen and the 427ci twin turbo VS ute.

The Lexcen is now in a happy place and the ute is awaiting an appointment at MPW Performance & Race Fab, so with nothing to work on for this week’s episode, Scotty decided to drag out the VN.
During its absence, the registration fully lapsed. As a result, we’ll have to take the thing through for a full roadworthy inspection to get it registered and back on the road. That’d prove quite tricky with all the fancy intercooler and heavy duty supercharger gear it had on it, so this episode Scotty takes it back to basic bitch spec to (hopefully) get it through a RWC inspection.

Along with deleting the intercooler, Scotty also removed the larger LS1 throttle body, the water cooler tank in the boot and all the associated lines. A quick service of the oil and fuel and after a bit of persuasion she fired, a sweet sound we’ve all dearly missed.

Our work to get this thing back on the road is not done yet. So sit back, relax and enjoy today’s episode below, and get keen for more Supermang content hitting your eyeballs soon.