Check out Grays latest car auctions here
With locations in every state except Tasmania, Grays are able to operate weekly classic car auctions that turn up gems to suit every budget – from cheap & cheerful to the most exotic supercars.

GraysOnline Classic Car Auction preview – Carnage Plus episode 39
The cream of the crop up for auction at GraysOnline this month

Big Brock Collection up for auction and more! – Carnage Plus EP36 – Video
We check out the bumper crop of classic metal up for auction this month at GraysOnline

Street Machine 100K YouTube Subscriber meet – Gallery
We held what was intended to be a small celebration for cracking 100,000 YouTube subscribers, and were completely blown away at the turnout

1600hp twin-turbo Camaro for auction – Carnage Plus episode 32
We check out some of the sweet rides hitting the block at this month’s GraysOnline classic auction

Driving a blown, methanol ’57 Chev – Carnage Plus episode 28
We head down to the GraysOnline auction house to check out some seriously cool cars in this month’s classic car auction

We get our new workshop equipment – Carnage Plus
We unwrap a whole bunch of goodies for our new workshop

Grays Online first classic auction of the year preview – Carnage Plus
Scotty checks out some classic cars up for auction at Grays Online

GraysOnline Classic Car auction – Carnage Plus
Scotty goes for a wander at a GraysOnline auction

Mr Dodgey 440-powered 1963 Dodge Phoenix Part Two
In part two of the epic Carnage Mr. Dodgey ’63 Phoenix build, Scott has nine days left to have the car ready for its road trip

Mr Dodgey 440-powered 1963 Dodge Phoenix Part One
We take a $1454.30 Dodge Phoenix and get it ready for the Running on Empty Festival

Running on Empty Festival is go!
The faithful are pouring into Cobar for a massive celebration of Running on Empty

Mr Dodgey 1963 Dodge Phoenix Carnage project
Here’s a sneak preview of the latest Carnage project – a 1963 Dodge Phoenix

Prototype BA FPV GT up for auction
The first ever FPV GT is up for auction at Grays Online

Running On Empty tribute festival 2018
Cobar, NSW will host a weekend-long tribute to one of Australia’s most iconic car flicks in October

Rusty XB Fairmont hardtop up for auction
Highly sought-after 351-powered ’74 XB Fairmont coupe in need of some serious TLC