Video: Brad Keem’s Street Machine Drag Challenge

Brad Keem talks us through his Drag Challenge experience, his boosted six Charger and that scary moment at Heathcote


BRAD Keem’s VH Valiant Charger is often accused of not being a street car, but he was on a mission to prove otherwise at Street Machine Drag Challenge this year. Despite suffering plenty of mechanical dramas along the way, the Charger made passes at every track and took out the Quickest Six-Cylinder gong. When the boosted 265 Hemi motor was on song the Charger ran mid-nines down the quarter and low sixes over the eighth.

Brad also experienced one of the scariest moments of this year’s Drag Challenge, when his throttle jammed open at three-quarter track on day four at Heathcote. Luckily he was able to control the car and avoid the walls! Brad talks us through that close call and the rest of his Drag Challenge experience in this video.
