410ci sprint car engined VY Ute burnout car – Video

Justin Bell's VY Holden ute isn't powered by your usual LS motor

Photographers: Nathan Jacobs

IF you are looking for something different in your burnout cars, check out Justin Bell’s MUTANT VY ute.

“I’ve been a speedway fan for a long time,” says Justin. “When I first skidded the car, I just ran it with an LS motor, but I decided to look for something different.”

“I considered a NASCAR motor, then came across the 410 sprintcar motor. It is dry-sumped, mechanically-injected and just awesome!”

Justin and his crew finished the conversion just in time to make it to RedCentreNATS and their dedication payed off with MUTANT scoring a place in tonight’s Burnout Masters finals. Good luck! 
