Video: VE Valiant tailshaft rebuild and exhaust work

In this episode of Carnage, Scotty sorts out the tail shaft and exhaust on the Valiant ute


Now the freshly rebuilt 318 V8 is in the VE Valiant ute and looking like a million bucks, Scotty is down to the fiddly and annoying tasks to get the Mopar road ready.

Two of those jobs include the tailshaft and the exhaust, which is exactly what Scotty is tackling in this latest episode.

Scotty’s trying to stick to a modest budget for this build, and as a result he decided to re-use an old tail shaft he had laying around rather than having a new one made up.While it’s already the right length, he still decided to give it a birthday with a fresh set of uni’s front and back and a coat of paint.

While the paint was flashing off, the next job was to finish the exhaust. The legends at Pacemaker Headers hooked us up with some awesome extractors, and because the ute already had a 2.5-inch system left over from a previous power plant, all Scotty had to do was mate the two together. Simples!

With some 2.5-inch tubing and a bit of cutting and grinding with gear from Hare and Forbes, Scotty quickly sorted out the twist and turns needed for the connectors and (for once) a job on a Carnage project car went as planned.

Stay tuned as Scotty continues working through the list of jobs to get his Dad’s old VE Valiant back on the road, ready for some summer cruising and racing!
