Check out the pictures from our latest Drag Challenge

Photographers: Chris Thorogood, Nathan Jacobs, Michelle Bright

Our Street Machine Drag Challenge 2016 entrants are probably just about over their fatigue-induced hangovers. Still unsure of whether they spent five days streeting a race car or racing a street car, most have returned from their state of delirium and successfully transitioned into normal everyday life. Though some still insist on commuting with their loud and obnoxious race vehicles and towing a trailer full of spare parts around – these poor souls refuse to blend back into normal society, lost forever to their Drag Challenge overlords.

For the rest who are glad to look back on what was one hell of a week, here’s a giant gallery of pics of the people who made Drag Challenge happen. Not just Scotty, Telf and the Street Machine crew, but the boys and girls that raced, crewed, spectated, or just were there to witness some insane street cars take on an epic adventure. Enjoy!

Photographers: Chris Thorogood, Nathan Jacobs, Michelle Bright
