WHILE they may not reach the spine-tingling speeds of the top cars in the tyre classes, the guys and girls in the K&N Dial-Your-Own bracket are just as fiercely competitive. Here’s how they shaped up after four days of racing – four days as a result of the Thursday South Coast Raceway meeting being canned due to rain.
The VK Commodore of Blake Jefferys took a hard-fought win in the K&N DYO class, and the car is more than the sum of its parts. Its carby-fed LS3 engine is internally standard except for an aftermarket camshaft, and while the car has run as quick as 10.1 over the quarter back home in Western Australia, Blake and the VK maintained ultra-consistent mid-10sec pace throughout Drag Challenge.
“It ran 10.58 on the first day so we set our dial-in there,” said Blake. “We normally run 4.11 diff gears, but we put 3.7s in for the trip so it’d be a bit more comfy and a bit easier with fuel consumption. The car ran faultlessly aside from getting a bit hot on the first day, so we pulled the grille out and it dropped about 20 degrees Fahrenheit; still warm, but it wasn’t overheating.”
One of the few entrants who competed in Drag Challenge without a trailer in tow, Blake instead opted for a roof rack stocked with tyres, tools and spares.
“It’s a good event – five days of racing and you drive your car,” said Blake. “We don’t have anything like this back home, so why not? I’d come back every year if I could.”
Second place went to Daniel ‘Gizmo’ Grima in his incredible ’55 Chev. The car was driven to Adelaide via the Bright Rod Run and then back to Sydney after the event.
Third spot went to Dean Osbourne in his VX SS Commodore. Check out the complete list below: